Monday, March 23, 2009

Roadtrips and Diets

So this last weekend I took my first Italian road trip with my family. We went to Flaibono, a super tiny village in the mountains near Udine. it was really cool. we stayed with grandma and I of course ate way way way to much! the food is just so dang good!! we went to different surrounding towns and looked at their Centros, they were all beautiful! Then Sunday after lunch we were all sitting around and talking and Nonna came out with a big box. Inside the box was all of My host mom's things from her year in the USA. It was so awesome to sit around and just look at all her thing because i know that in like 30 years i'll be doing that with my family. Showing them of all the wonderful things i've learned while over here :)

Now to my two new diets. They aren't your normal diets but both are very much so needed. For the last two weeks i've been on a shopping diet. If you ever had a doubt that i wasn't a girly girl that is all changed now. this country is so amazing! like every town has an Armani or Versace or D&G store. it is amazing! So i've decided no more shopping :( even though i've only bought my shoes and jeans have the constant urge to buy everything I see. Its absolutely terrible. The other diet I am dreading so very English diet. I am no longer going to be making English apart of my life. That means....less blogging, less facebook, less phonecalls, no american movies or music, no speaking English. Pray for me cause its going to be tough but it'll help me get Italian down.
Oh and real quick I thought I'd through in a shout out about my most recent blessing. My 3 best friends. Frida, Giulio, and Rigo. Frida is from Norway so she speaks english and italian. So she understands me no matter what and we really just have fun every time we are together. Also neither of us really study a lot so we hang out in the afternoons. Then there are the boys. lol Giulio and Rigo are American boys at heart. They are so sweet and always there for me. They show me around and are always there if i need them. I'm really so blessed, everyday more people come into my life that will forever be apart of me and i will never forget the impact that they have left......I'm saying this and I've only been here 2 months. I can't imagine how hard it is going to be to leave in July...

Love you all!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I told Tyler that I don't think our "beloved" is coming back..she is having too much fun!! LOL Anyway we can't wait so see you when you return..take care, and keep on doing what you are doing, God didn't promise it would always be easy!!

Unknown said...

I miss you so much I do not know if I can stand to go without you for an entire week. I need you to tell me how many hours you will be taking Italian for in the afternoons. I am going to ask the conselor if you can get credit for a new language there since we had to pay for it. Love you so much!!mommy.