Saturday, June 27, 2009

What do you do when time is not on your side....make the most of it

Ok so in typical Tanya fashion I am going to start this blog out with the apology for not writing in like 3 weeks. So this will be slightly longer to catch you up on my Italian Summer :)

The first week of summer i chilled at home and hung out with Frida basically everyday. Then every night we'd go to the park. Even though I really really didn't want to I left to and AFS camp on Thursday morning. Its not that i didn't want to see my friends with AFS I just didn't want to leave all my friends here. Anyways there was like 60 of us and it was fun! We spent most the time with orientations but when we didn't have to talk about going home we hung out. Oh and it was in Tuscany :) The first night we all sat in this room and there were candles in the center of the could light one for all the good moments or put one out for the bad. After about 15minutes half the room was in tears. That was when i was like wow, this isn't just a semester abroad this is much more. I mean what can take a room full of teenagers from countries all around the world, who have seemingly nothing in common and have them all brought to tears by one thing. Italy. Its the love for this country we all have and our new lives and families here. Everyone was finally brought to the point where we realized, wow we have to go home soon. Anyways AFS did that all weekend, tried to get us to the point where we can emotionally handle leaving. The second night we hung out on a balcony and found the brightest star in the sky and named it Taker because we were all together under the Tuscan sky staring up and the the country that 'took' our hearts. Cheesy i know but still. The last night we stayed up all night talking and chilling on one of the balconies. No joke i slept like 20minutes waiting for breakfast and that is all. Oh but on a stupid note...since I am just made to get hurt we were teaching them Souja Boi (on mattresses on the balcony) Some how i tripped and hit my head on the edge of the wall. I am pretty sure that is another one for the count lol. It was another super long day but we finally got home. Oh and not to add it was super super hot, the Tuscan sun is so so hot! Anyway it was a fun weekend but it was good to be home.

Monday I got up and made pancakes with my sister and then my friend picked me up. I spent my last days with my friends from school and we just hung out, went to the pool, did fit box at the gym and had a blast. I am really going to miss them! After being at the pool for 9 hours i went directly to volleyball. Oh and it was 38C (AGH!!!) We had a super short practice then went to pizza as a team. I got a pizza with french fries on top! it was good! then my coach and my team gave me presents, they said I'm welcome back to play any day. The gave me a shirt and a vball signed. It was sad to say the first set of goodbyes but we got it done.

The rest of the week was hanging with my friends. I have this set of friends that are literally with me EVERYDAY! Frida, Giulio, Rigo and Matteo. Like they have asked off so much work to just be in Modena before I have to leave. Oh and I even went to the gym again on Friday for Fit Box. Its crazy fun. Saturday I got up after like 3 hours of sleep and got ready to get Erica from the train station. After 3 delays, and not being on the first i finally got to see my sister after 5 months! it was great. we did so much in a week...Disco, Park, Verona, 5 Terre, Milano, Modena, Park again. it was great! I had to be a translator all week and it was so much fun! It was hard too cause her being here showed me that i have changed and that i have to go back to my old life and hope that everyone accepts the changes or at least understands. Saying bye to her at the airport was easy cause its only a week.

Now to the super hard stuff....tomorrow starts the goodbyes that are going to hurt so much. My very best friend here who I am with everyday and is my sounding board here leaves to go home to Norway tomorrow. I am not ready. Like I know I will see her again but I mean when someone becomes apart of your life and is there everyday then all of a sudden like 9,000miles is between you two...yeah it sucks. I think if i can say bye to her the rest will be a little easier. I already talked to my boys and they are all coming over Sunday to help after i say bye. Frida is the greatest friend I could have asked for over here!

But I am done writing a novel, sorry for the length. I am off to have my last Saturday in modena :( I leave next Saturday afternoon. Time is defiantly definitely not on my side so I am going to make this the best week yet! Ti Voglio bene Italia!!!

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